
English classes and workshops

-541 | Baby Paperwork 101 Workshop
  • Freitag 17:00 - 19:30
Kursleitung: Elodie Roux

Kosten: Fee: 35 Euro for an individual and 50 Euro per couple

This two-hour workshop is aimed at parents-to-be, who perhaps don’t speak 
great German or just don’t really understand the piles of paperwork that the 
German system seems to throw at them once they find out they’re pregnant! 

We will go through the formalities that need to be taken care of during pregnancy 
and after the birth of your baby, what you’re entitled to and how to claim your 
entitlements. We will discuss the following topics:

- Maternity leave allowance (Mutterschaftsgeld and Mutterschutz)
- Father declaration and custody rights agreement (Vaterschaftsanerkennung and Sorgerechtserklärung)
- Parental leave (Elternzeit)
- Parental leave benefits (Elterngeld)
- Child benefits (Kindergeld)
- Birth certificate (Geburtsurkunde)
- Health insurance (Krankenversicherung)
- Passport (Reisepass)

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions at the end. 

Please fill in the form below with your details and the details of the person accompanying you (if any). You will then get an email with a link you need to click on in order to confirm your attendance. Following on from that, an email with bank details will be sent so that you can pay for the workshop by bank transfer.